
Can Electric Showers Be Gravity Fed?

Last Updated On September 5th, 2016

In the United Kingdom, there is such a thing as electric showers that are gravity fed. A gravity fed shower is used in many homes in the United Kingdom. It is a popular water source in many residents. A gravity fed water system is a little different in the setup process. Being able to install and use an electric shower can be very beneficial. It allows for people to have warm water without running out of the heat. This type of installation can be of great use for many United Kingdom residents who have a gravity fed watering system. Setting up the process for an electric shower to be gravity fed is not complicated.

How to Set Up Gravity Fed Water

The cold water tank is usually kept in the top or loft of the building. This allows the water to flow downward and let gravity do the all the work. Below the water tank is a hot water cylinder that is kept below the cold water tank. The hot water cylinder allows the water to be heated and can assist with warm water needs. It can usually be installed in the lower part of the building. This would be below the cold water tank. The hot cylinder may be found in the airing cupboards. This is an important feature for heating up water and keeping it warm.

Electric Shower Using Gravity Fed Water

An electric shower can be used in the United Kingdom with a gravity fed watering system. This type of accessory is very helpful in heating up the water. The electric shower allows the water to be fed from the cold water tank. Once the cold water comes from the cold water tank, it passed through the hot cylinder to allow for the water to become warm. The water then heats up in the process of sending it into the shower. By the time the water reaches the shower it is already warm and able to be used without being too cold. This allows the shower to have heated water. The flow and pressure of the shower depend on the size water tank that is installed.

The End Result

Once the gravity fed electric shower is set up properly; it can be used. Being able to take a warm or hot shower is ideal when a person has gravity fed water. Many times a gravity fed shower without the electric shower would not be warm. The water pressure would not be very good either because there was not enough gravity to have an abundance water flow in the shower. Being able to have an electric shower that is water gravity fit; can change the type water availability. Installing the electric shower with the use of the gravity fed water can enhance the time a shower can last. It can increase the amount of warm water that the shower will offer. If the gravity fed is constructed to have a good gravity flow, then there should not be any issues with the decrease in water flow.

3 Responses

    1. Hi Damien,

      If your cistern is at the same level as your shower, you won’t be getting a lot of pressure in your shower. I highly recommend that you invest in a pump.

  1. Hi Bradley your discription on how cold water gets to the shower through the hot tank is completely wrong . the cold water fed to the hot tank comes out as warm water heated from an external source through a heat exchanger

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